Happy Pancake Day! It's over in my time zone, so I'm a bit late with this post, but it's still Tuesday in America, so have some art of this little shit.

Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/59585769

I tried to make an Akechi stencil for my pancake, as it seemed like a funny and appropriate idea to put a sprite of him on my pancake, but I failed miserably. How did your day go?

I'm also thinking of doing a character analysis on the pancake lad. I've got a lot of stuff to say about him, as he is a very well written character whose great writing isn't fully showcased in Persona 5. I think something that always annoyed me was how they shoved most of his development in at the end, really not giving them time to elaborate on some of his motivations, which seem shaky at best if you don't take the time to further research his character. I also put a spoiler on the picture so we can talk about spoilery stuff, not because the picture is spoilery, because it isn't.

/r/Persona5 Thread Link - i.redd.it