Where an organisation can’t help you, a bro will :)

I agree. It is a fundamental part of the post, but there are a huge number of people who think they are "rich" that don't realize they're not.

My own parents think they are rich when they are actually "craftsmen." They have a niche skill that is worth slightly more money than average. They are engineers which is super cool and super valuable and I'm sorry but still not "rich."

Yeah their skillset means I didn't starve as a kid. It grants them "safety," not "power." They and their children get to not die right away. Congrats.

The biggest psyop of the modern day is convincing the craftsmen they are rich and powerful.

If you have a specialized skillset? I'm sorry but you're still with the rest of us in the class war. Don't buy into the propoganda. (but also, fellow poors, don't buy into the propoganda that the craftsmen are #rich).

/r/HumansBeingBros Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com