Having troubles with Lag and this Issue hasn't been solved in r/starboundbugreport

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"maxPlayers" : 8, "maxTeamSize" : 4, "maximized" : true, "musicVol" : 0, "playerBackupFileCount" : 3, "queryServerBind" : "", "rconServerBind" : "*", "renderSleep" : false, "safeScripts" : true, "scriptInstructionLimit" : 10000000, "scriptInstructionMeasureInterval" : 10000, "scriptProfilingEnabled" : false, "scriptRecursionLimit" : 100, "serverFidelity" : "automatic", "serverName" : "A Starbound Server", "serverUsers" : { }, "sfxVol" : 100, "speechBubbles" : false, "title" : { "multiPlayerAccount" : "", "multiPlayerAddress" : "", "multiPlayerPort" : "" }, "tutorialMessages" : false, "vsync" : false, "windowedResolution" : [1600, 837], "zoomLevel" : 3 }

/r/starbound Thread Parent