Germany spent 20 billion euros on refugees in 2016

I'm all for helping people in need, specially if they're directly affected by a war.

I don't like the massive influx of deep religious Muslim people. Muslim fanaticism is one of the core causes of the chaos that reigns on the Muslim world (the other being the meddling of Usa and other western powers). We are importing thousands of people with really retrograde fucked up conservative and misogynistic views. That's gonna change the German political landscape in the middle and long term, in a bad way. Not to speak about the occasional suicide bomber or truck driver. Sure, they don't kill much people and we're all statistically way more in danger of traffic accidents than terrorism, but it's not a good thing anyway.

We can't ignore the fact that most Muslim countries are really bad places to live, and they normally don't allow persons of other religions to practice. If you take the standard well meaning German liberal and transplant them to live in Pakistan or iraq they gonna be deeply unhappy, to put it mildly. Every time we import a fanatic Muslim we're importing a bit of that nightmarish system. We are doing no favor to the next generation of Germans of we keep with this cognitive disonance.

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