(Unsolicited) Advice: stick to a narrative, and develop an attitude

The biggest reason why people disrespect Asians.... is because we don't give attitude.

I'd be careful with the victim-blaming.

If you're a black, Latino, Desi, Arab, Asian who takes the bait and punches a white man, you're probably getting arrested or gang-attacked. People will take the white man's side, even if he's clearly at fault.

The reason these groups aren't messed with as much is a combination of prominent civil rights activism, not being victims of WW2 propaganda, and not having ongoing propaganda in the form of Hollywood representation. It's not because they're tougher. If you actually believe that, you're buying the white media narrative.

If you take a look at all of the influential Asians (or even non-Asians), they ALL had attitude. Bruce Lee had attitude: he smashed the "no dogs and Chinese allowed" narrative to smithereens. Jack Ma had attitude: he didn't give up after being rejected for the umpteenth time. Showing up to a challenge without an attitude, is like self-medicating sleeping pills in the middle of a gun-fight.

Bruce Lee got cheated out of Kung Fu and his role was given to David Carradine. He also died before we could see where his career headed. I'm not sure he wouldn't have ended up like Jackie Chan if he'd lived.

So what's your opinion? Agree? Disagree? Any other advice you'd like to give?

Honestly, try to understand that racism is based entirely on propaganda and legal/military history. Beating the crap out of some neckbeard won't change anything except making you feel a little better and probably putting you in prison.

Just walk away. Life is too short to deal with this shit.

/r/aznidentity Thread