Is it possible to change the color of the fingerprint scanner?

"objectName" : "bunkerhandscanner",
"colonyTags" : ["human","humanbunker","electronic","wired"],
"rarity" : "Common",
"description" : "It scans fingerprints and matches them to personnel data.",
"shortdescription" : "Fingerprint Scanner",
"race" : "human",
"category" : "wire",
"price" : 90,

"lightColor" : [61, 80, 102],

"apexDescription" : "A fingerprint scanner. Smaller than an Apex hand.",
"avianDescription" : "Avians do not have fingerprints. Such security devices are pointless for us.",
"floranDescription" : "Device for ssscanning hands. Doesn't react to Floran's hand...",
"glitchDescription" : "Resentful. Biometric security devices are a luxury only certain species can indulge in.",
"humanDescription" : "A fingerprint scanner. Sadly, I'm not registered. I've always wanted to activate one of these.",
"hylotlDescription" : "Hylotl hands can cause these things to go haywire.",
"novakidDescription" : "A type of scannin' device for hands. Doubt it'll pick up mine.",

"inventoryIcon" : "bunkerhandscannericon.png",
"orientations" : [
    "image" : "bunkerhandscanner.png:<color>.off",
    "imagePosition" : [-8, -8],

    "direction" : "right",

    "spaceScan" : 0.1,
    "anchors" : [ "background" ]

"scripts" : [ "/objects/wired/switch/switch.lua" ],
"scriptDelta" : 5,

"animation" : "/objects/wired/switch/switch4bgfullbright.animation",
"animationParts" : {
    "bg" : "bunkerhandscanner.png",
    "fg" : "bunkerhandscannerlit.png"
"animationPosition" : [-8, -8],

"outputNodes" : [ [0, -1] ]

This is the entire .object code. Honestly, I have no idea what it means, but if you do, then by all means go ahead.

/r/starbound Thread