Hearthstone how much are the cards/expansions worth?

you risk yourself to pay 580$ to not get access to the full content. I think this is wrong.

you pay $580 to not get access to the full content if you don't dust and craft anything.

I bought 250 packs, dusted the extras and goldens, and have the full set. (technically I'm "missing" 3 legendaries and 6 epics but I have the dust right now to make them.)

that was about how much it took me to get all of KFC.

yes, Hearthstone is expensive, ridiculously so. I'll never argue that point. what I will argue, however, is this idea that it takes "$580 to get all the content" because that's such blatant hysterics and relies on you not using any of the dust from your duplicates.

it takes me $250 to get a full set every expansion. that is expensive. it does not take $580. that's just an outright lie.

/r/hearthstone Thread