hEaVY wEiGhT MaKe PaIN GO aWAy

Ok, we're closer to agreeing than you might think, I just didn't realize we were looking outside the scope of what an individual could do right this moment. I completely agree the system needs changing in many ways, I consider capitalism to a virus in our society that breeds the material conditions that lead to these feelings of depression and hopelessness. I'm also not morally against suicide if someone truly cannot have a quality life(with the caveat they aren't leaving behind children). But I do think that should be the absolute last resort and surely a little exercise and dieting would be preferable to suicide, right? I mean, I'm all for doing everything that avoids suicide if possible.

Also, if depression is a disease of the mind then how are these people in a position to be able to judge if their life is truly over? Weren't you just saying that they can't necessarily think themselves into good acting? So why would they be able to think themselves out of an irrational decision-being suicide?

/r/thanksimcured Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com