Hello Reddit :^)

Yet the one's I find online couldn't care less.

I signed up for X-Box Live the day it started in late 2002 on the OG X-Box, and within the first week I made a couple friends that I played with almost every day. We continued to play on the 360, but when the X-Box one came out in 2013, there was a problem with my account and I was locked out of it and had to start with a new one. I tried looking up the 2-3 people I became friends with, but they had generic Usernames with a string of random numbers.

Sometime in the past week or so, I told that story to someone and they found a way to look up through some random site. I finally found them, and I send them a message explaining what happened. Two of them didn't respond, and the third just said "oh" and blocked me. So much for playing almost every day for 11 years.

/r/MadeMeSmile Thread Link - i.redd.it