[Help] A girl reported me to the police for rape, need help recovering text messages

Okay. Was not expecting you to get triggered and post a wall of text.

So, what you're saying is...it's the victim's fault for not having the foresight to know ahead of time he was going to be falsely accused of rape?

Well...yes. Men in these instances are guilty until proven innocent. Life isn't fair. Fuck the police, etc. I was a naive little shit too and was falsely accused of sexual harassment at my first job when I was 18 and learned that lesson the hard way.

The only kind of person who would constantly be worried about being accused of rape sounds exactly like the kind of person who actually is a rapist.

A few details about myself: I'm black, I'm already looking over my shoulder constantly when dealing with women (mostly because of the incident when I was 18.) Also when I was a young teenager ready to sow my Royal Oats and my brother gave me the talk, he warned me about A. fucking girls without a condom, and in the same breath, B. he warned me about girls trying to trap me. "Always cover your tracks lawr11!"

The media nowadays is just a hellstorm of college aged men getting screwed in these exact kind of situations. Deleting texts is stupid in the first place, deleting texts from some masturbatory aide you split in half a few days ago is even stupider™. I equate it with sleeping with a stranger and not using a condom.

You know STD's are out there, so you use a condom.

You know any crazy chick can change her mind later and ruin your life, so always cover your own ass.

OP already knows he would have been better off not deleting those texts (as he obviously stated) so what's your point in reiterating your last point if not a weak attempt to pat yourself on the back for being the kind of person who is always ready to swat down the torrent of false rape accusations headed your way?

Not sure what your point is or if you're trying to "slam" me for some upvotes here but fuck yeah I'm patting myself on the back so I don't have to pace back and forth in my kitchen wondering how long my prison sentence is gonna be. Been there done that.

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