[Build] Age of Ultron (Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch)

Male human cleric of Irori 1 Unchained monk 11 LG medium humanoid Init +2; Senses Perception +22 -=DEFENSE=- AC 35, touch 27, flat 31 armor +4; dex +3; wis +7; dodge +1; monk +4; natural +4; deflect +2 HP 110 1d8 + 11d10 + 36 Fort +14; Ref +13; Will +15 Special still mind, improved evasion

-=OFFENSE=- Speed 60ft Melee unarmed strike +21 (2d8+6 19-20/x2) Type: bludgeoning/slashing; Size: Medium; Wgt: - Melee unarmed flurry +21/+21/+21/+16/+11 (2d8+6 19-20/x2) Type: bludgeoning/slashing; Size: Medium; Wgt: - Special boar style, mantis style, flying kick, one touch, stunning fist DC 25 (13/day), medusa's wrath

-=OTHER=- Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 25, Cha 8 20pt buy, racial bonus on Wisdom BAB +11; CMB +18; CMD 41 Feats channel smite, guided hand (unarmed), improved unarmed strike, stunning fist, dodge, weapon focus (unarmed), combat reflexes, disorienting maneuver, boar style, improved trip, mantis style, combat style master, medusa's wrath Traits Quain martial artist +1 unarmed strike damage, Wisdom in the Flesh (acrobatics) becomes a class skill, uses Wisdom Special aura (lawful good), channel energy 1d6 2/day, domains (knowledge, law), improved evasion, fast movement (30 ft), ki pool 12/day (magic, silver, cold-iron, lawful), still mind, purity of body Ki power qinggong power (barkskin), furious defense, high jump, abundant step Style strike flying kick, foot stomp Favored class monk Favored class bonus 12hp Skills Skills per level: 5 (4 class + 1 human); Armor check penalty: 0 Trained acrobatics +27(12); climb +9(3); diplomacy +9(4); intimidate +17(12); perception +22(12); sense motive +22(12); swim +9(3) Untrained bluff 2

Spells Orisons prepared: detect magic, guidance, stabilize Level 1 prepared: protection from evil, endure elements, remove fear, comprehend languages (domain)

Equipment Wealth 7000gp

bracers of armor +4 (16000) monk's robe (13000) headband of wisdom +4 (16000) belt of perfection +2 (16000) amulet of mighty fists +2 (16000) cloak of resistance +3 (9000) boots of elven kind (2500) ring of protection +2 (8000) circlet of persuasion (4500) ...sundry adventuring gear...

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