Help with angry neighbours

This comment is useless but I can’t get over the fact that we had a crazy lady neighbor who called Animal control on us twice for excessive barking (this was before we had our Pyr).

She had the wrong house…but later learned FIVE other neighbors got the same warning from animal control.

Thank God she moved before we got our Pyr, Moose! She used to blow an airhorn literally every hour during the day (she worked nights and thought everyone should stay inside and shut up so she could sleep).

Mowing your lawn? Airhorn. Kids playing outside? Airhorn. Repairing a fence? Airhorn. Greeting your neighbor across the street? Airhorn. Yet her 4 teenage sons played basketball with all their friends in the street from the time she left til 2-3am screaming and yelling directly under our daughters bedroom window. They also killed our 20 year old cat for funsies.

Thanks for letting me vent. I hope your crazy lady moves away too, your doggo is precious.

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