Help with code

My code works fine for each part individually but i dont know how to comine it into one.. i can post what i have done already but i dont even know where to start to get it working together.

This is the code for the rotary encoder

int pulses, A_SIG=0, B_SIG=1;

void setup(){ attachInterrupt(0, A_RISE, RISING); attachInterrupt(1, B_RISE, RISING); Serial.begin(9600); }//setup

void loop(){


void A_RISE(){ detachInterrupt(0); A_SIG=1;

if(B_SIG==0) pulses++;//moving forward if(B_SIG==1) pulses--;//moving reverse Serial.println(pulses); attachInterrupt(0, A_FALL, FALLING); }

void A_FALL(){ detachInterrupt(0); A_SIG=0;

if(B_SIG==1) pulses++;//moving forward if(B_SIG==0) pulses--;//moving reverse Serial.println(pulses); attachInterrupt(0, A_RISE, RISING);

void B_RISE(){ detachInterrupt(1); B_SIG=1;

if(A_SIG==1) pulses++;//moving forward if(A_SIG==0) pulses--;//moving reverse Serial.println(pulses); attachInterrupt(1, B_FALL, FALLING); }

void B_FALL(){ detachInterrupt(1); B_SIG=0;

if(A_SIG==0) pulses++;//moving forward if(A_SIG==1) pulses--;//moving reverse Serial.println(pulses); attachInterrupt(1, B_RISE, RISING); }

and this is the code for the flow meter and oled

include <SPI.h>

include <Wire.h>

include <Adafruit_GFX.h>

include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>

// If using software SPI (the default case):

define OLED_MOSI 9

define OLED_CLK 10

define OLED_DC 11

define OLED_CS 12

define OLED_RESET 13


/* Uncomment this block to use hardware SPI

define OLED_DC 6

define OLED_CS 7

define OLED_RESET 8

Adafruit_SSD1306 display(OLED_DC, OLED_RESET, OLED_CS); */

define NUMFLAKES 10

define XPOS 0

define YPOS 1

define DELTAY 2


// count how many pulses! volatile uint16_t pulses = 0; // track the state of the pulse pin volatile uint8_t lastflowpinstate; // you can try to keep time of how long it is between pulses volatile uint32_t lastflowratetimer = 0; // and use that to calculate a flow rate volatile float flowrate; // Interrupt is called once a millisecond, looks for any pulses from the sensor! SIGNAL(TIMER0_COMPA_vect) { uint8_t x = digitalRead(FLOWSENSORPIN);

if (x == lastflowpinstate) { lastflowratetimer++; return; // nothing changed! }

if (x == HIGH) { //low to high transition! pulses++; } lastflowpinstate = x; flowrate = 1000.0; flowrate /= lastflowratetimer; // in hertz lastflowratetimer = 0; }

void useInterrupt(boolean v) { if (v) { // Timer0 is already used for millis() - we'll just interrupt somewhere // in the middle and call the "Compare A" function above OCR0A = 0xAF; TIMSK0 |= _BV(OCIE0A); } else { // do not call the interrupt function COMPA anymore TIMSK0 &= ~_BV(OCIE0A); } }

void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.print("Flow sensor test!"); display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC); display.display(); delay(2000); display.clearDisplay();

pinMode(FLOWSENSORPIN, INPUT); digitalWrite(FLOWSENSORPIN, HIGH); lastflowpinstate = digitalRead(FLOWSENSORPIN); useInterrupt(true); }

void loop() // run over and over again { display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(WHITE); display.setCursor(0,0); display.println("Pulses:");display.println(pulses, DEC); float liters = pulses; liters /= 5.5; liters /= 60.0; display.print(liters);

display.println(" Liters "); display.display(); display.clearDisplay(); }

Both pieces of code i have taken from other peoples projects and edited to work with my hardware.

/r/arduino Thread Parent