ELI5: Paris attacks mega-thread

I'm sorry your religion is under persecution

Okay, what? I'm sorry this set of ideas you choose to adopt or abandon as an adult is also generating a cohort of people confused and dangerous, willing to destroy other cultures as a method of fulfilling duties outlined in that religious text.

How can you POSSIBLY be sorry. You can't control bigoted assholes who hate without understanding, but as a person I assume is capable of that understanding you don't have to be sorry that a person is choosing a religious belief and it coincides with bad fucking behavior.

There is nothing genetic about Islam, there is nothing permanent about being a Muslim. If you want to change your religion, splinter it.

The Lutherans did that with Christianity.

If parent comment is tired of being associated with murderous assholes, then they can fucking leave their religion.

I just sit here shaking my head when people make this claim that "I shouldn't have to consider thinking critically about my participation in this set of ideas, but these extremists fundamentalists doing it Wrong™ should have to"

The truth is that if something parallel, say: kids were being taught that Santa Claus condones the murder of kids who don't believe in Santa Claus, nobody in their right fucking mind would want to be teaching that to their families, and society would never accept that. Yet somehow if you muddle up the details and make your claims just reasonable enough for someone to take it at face value, magically its untouchable in conversation. You told me my kids can't believe in Santa? You're a Kringlophobic bigot!

I respect a person's ability to find solace in the universe, but NEVER at the expense of innocent life. Don't be apologetic for something someone else chooses to think.

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