So here we literally have people upvoting putting mind altering drugs into our drinking water.

The issue isn't as black and white as that. The government already puts fluoride into our water. Fluoride is technically a mind-altering drug, because if you take it in toxic-waste runoff levels, it will lower your IQ. In the much smaller quantities present in our drinking water, it promotes better health and stronger teeth, and there's no noticeable effect on mental health.

There are people fighting to keep fluoride out of our drinking water, because they don't understand the difference in dosage between toxic waste runoff and a saltine cracker. These are essentially the same people who fall for the dihydrogen monoxide scam, where ordinary water is presented (completely factually) as an extremely dangerous substance.

If we assume that everyone understands exactly the dosages involved (which they don't, but let's assume) I still can imagine supporting putting mind-altering drugs in our drinking water. Imagine there was a drug with no negative side effects that cured schizophrenia or sociopathy. I would love to have that in our drinking water.

Mind-altering drugs are not always bad, nor are they not always good. We shouldn't allow ourselves to get hyped up over a phrase like that, or we'll make poor decisions.

Is lithium citrate in particular bad? I don't know anything about it. But the phrase "mind-altering drugs in our drinking water" isn't swaying me one way or the other. I won't make a decision until I'm informed, and I hope that other people do likewise.

/r/ConspiracyII Thread