Hey garçon I would like the Mueller Special please

Tonight on the Mueller Report... Who bought Paul Manafort the biggest black caviar jar several years ago? Could it just possibly have been a Russian Oligarch? Does Steve Bannon have Alzheimer's, or just a really bad memory? Does Richard Burt know any "very influential persons" or did he just make them all up. Seriously, what news on the Ferrero Rocher at Ambassador Kislyak's party? And who stuck their MATERIAL REDACTED in the MATERIAL REDACTED with a MATERIAL REDACTED?

I’m (still) recording an Audiobook of the Mueller Report, available free on YouTube if you don’t have time to read it yourself. So far, I've edited down the recordings as far as the complete Section IV: RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT LINKS TO AND CONTACTS WITH THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN. 173 pages and going strong. Kinda. Next and final Installment of Volume I is out tomorrow: PROSECUTION AND DECLINATION DECISIONS


Plus it's also a podcast, should be up on iTunes soon


/r/PoliticalMemes Thread Link - i.redd.it