AITA for kicking a disabled kid out of a women's space?

I respect your opinion, I just wanted to shed light on the fact that you made a ton of assumptions about me in an effort to call me out for making assumptions. A lot of disabled people that I know don't enjoy broadcasting their disability status, myself included, I don't want people's pity and apologies. I just don't think people should question things existing just because they personally don't need them. It's like you don't ask why there are elevators in a two story building and make somebody feel uncomfortable to have to say that they need it. I feel like people shouldn't question why a place that intended for partially unclothed women is designated as women only.

Personally, I would have more respect for someone who had a problem with me if they said it to my face as opposed to going behind my back straight out of the gate. From my perspective, we absolutely could have resolved it woman-to-woman. There have been times people out in the world have called me on my shit and I've been big enough to apologize and admit I was wrong.

In this case, there was literally a sign on the door, a pretty large one actually, that outlined it was a women only space, and she knowingly chose to disregard that and then become defensive when asked to respect the rules of the space, as if she felt entitled to disregard the rules in whichever way she cared to, without consideration for others.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent