Hi I’m new

Thank you so much for the resources! I appreciate it a lot!! And I’m aware that some hate groups like the nazis tried to take some of Roman traditions, even tho I’m still a right wing minded person, a Republican Conservative, in the economic and social aspects, I don’t think just for leaning right u are an extremist.. I think that modern society in the name of “progress” have gone wrong many times tryna adopt new failed economic and social policies.. however as I progressed in my personal development journey I woke up and became very aware that modern politics have become very toxic and radical with the media playing a huge role in influencing ppl to go against each other, that’s why I’ve been tryna develop my spirituality to become more wise, I’ve been trying to apply stoicism in my life and it has been great. But I still wanna keep bettering myself and now explore the religious side.. I’ve been raised in traditional conservative households, I’ve lived in Italy many years, my ancestors are Latin and I’ve always been fascinated about the ancient Roman culture, so I think I wanna honor my ancestors in a good way and have a more fulfilling life without falling for the games of modern society!! Thanks again for your resources and input.. im gonna try to get educated more and incorporate Sol and Apollo in my spirituality… I appreciate it

/r/Hellenism Thread Parent