Why is hidden mods difficulty so underrated by the communtiy?

This comment section is unbelievably ignorant. Saying "HD is literally just preference" is so out of touch I really am astonished this is the general opinion in this thread. It's not even CLOSE to just preference. Guess what jumpy farm maps aren't the only maps in the game and HD is objectively harder on every single other kind of map. Spaced streams, flow aim in general, finger control, any AR below like 9.2, rhythmically complex maps that are hard to acc, don't even get me started on EZHD. Literally everything besides jumps above AR9 is SIGNIFICANTLY more difficult with HD. In fact there are countless maps that are easier with HR only than HD only and you can see it in the leaderboards. I can kind of understand why people underrate the difficultly because when you are just the average player farming jump pp and you turn on HD for the first time it's surprisingly easy actually and immediately gives the impression that it's not that hard but I can't believe this entire thread is in that little bubble of high AR, playing DT and HR and slapping HD on of course it's not going to be that hard because you aren't even fucking "reading" anything anymore at AR10 and above it's just like reaction and simple patterns. I've been watching top players since 2014 and HD being harder has ALWAYS been the general opinion. Countless plays are done without HD specifically because HD is just too hard for them on the map. Just because some HD only players and some the best players in the world like mrekk and whitecat seem to have no trouble doesn't mean anything. The main point is it's only "preference" or "easier" on high AR jump maps which are these players specialty. When you put on HD less information becomes available to you, you have no approach circle telling you when to click so the timing you click basically relies on the rhythm and muscle memory you developed playing with approach circles and learning the rhythm of certain bpms which is why the better you are at the game the easier HD will be for you. And for streams you can't read the streams the same at all and at first you will be entirely reliant on muscle memory. In my experience spaced streams that change in acceleration or bpm is the hardest to learn on HD. For finger control and rhythmically complex stuff if it is already hard for you nomod then it will DEFINITELY be harder on HD, if it's something you have already mastered on nomod though then HD isn't much of a difference unless it's ar9 or below. I know most players aren't playing low ar, spaced streams, and more techy stuff but these farm maps are just a small portion of the kind of what TYPES of maps are out there and I feel like this entire thread has forgotten that.

/r/osugame Thread