QAT big brain mode


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QAT big brain modeFun (

submitted 4 hours ago by SelectivelySmart

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[–]VultureX2 34 points 4 hours ago Guys, I won't rank my PP Compilation. I don't want to cause anymore drama, and I also don't want to get kicked from the BNG. I'll probably get that loved, or just delete it. I hope you understand.

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[–]Zeptaxis 18 points 3 hours ago Guys, I won't rank my PP Compilation. I don't want to cause anymore drama, and I also don't want to get kicked from the BNG. I'll probably get that loved, or just delete it. I hope you understand.

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[–]iddk_ 18 points 2 hours ago [–]VultureX2 12 points an hour ago Guys, I won't rank my PP Compilation. I don't want to cause anymore drama, and I also don't want to get kicked from the BNG. I'll probably get that loved, or just delete it. I hope you understand.

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[–]Zeptaxis 7 points an hour ago Guys, I won't rank my PP Compilation. I don't want to cause anymore drama, and I also don't want to get kicked from the BNG. I'll probably get that loved, or just delete it. I hope you understand.

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[–]anoymaly2152 5 points an hour ago Guys, I won't rank my PP Compilation. I don't want to cause anymore drama, and I also don't want to get kicked from the BNG. I'll probably get that loved, or just delete it. I hope you understand.

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[–]Condyle_ 5 points an hour ago Guys, I won't rank my PP Compilation. I don't want to cause anymore drama, and I also don't want to get kicked from the BNG. I'll probably get that loved, or just delete it. I hope you understand.

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[–]makochiMagicDragon [score hidden] 30 minutes ago Guys, I won't rank my PP Compilation. I don't want to cause anymore drama, and I also don't want to get kicked from the BNG. I'll probably get that loved, or just delete it. I hope you understand.

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[–]DomoJr [score hidden] 23 minutes ago Guys, I won't rank my PP Compilation. I don't want to cause anymore drama, and I also don't want to get kicked from the BNG. I'll probably get that loved, or just delete it. I hope you understand.

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[–]LG34- 6 points an hour ago Guys, I won't rank my PP Compilation. I don't want to cause anymore drama, and I also don't want to get kicked from the BNG. I'll probably get that loved, or just delete it. I hope you understand.

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[–]RaimiKu 5 points an hour ago Guys, I won't rank my PP Compilation. I don't want to cause anymore drama, and I also don't want to get kicked from the BNG. I'll probably get that loved, or just delete it. I hope you understand.

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[–]Skymmer 6 points an hour ago Guys, I won't rank my PP Compilation. I don't want to cause anymore drama, and I also don't want to get kicked from the BNG. I'll probably get that loved, or just delete it. I hope you understand.

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[–]whoismugio3 [score hidden] 11 minutes ago Guys, I won't rank my PP Compilation. I don't want to cause anymore drama, and I also don't want to get kicked from the BNG. I'll probably get that loved, or just delete it. I hope you understand.

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