Higher Education and Politics

/\ This above quote is emblematic of the rhetorical and epistemological nihilism that has spread from the GOP into the the greater political spectrum. Truth comes from mere unsubstantiated assertion.

First there is the strawman, that pointing out the psychological mindset that results in people rejecting democratic values and principles is akin to other detestable views.

Then there is assertion that a populist campaign that ran on the platform that a singular white male savior figure would save us from some evil other through paternalistic fiat was the uniquely concerned about addressing medical debt. (Assertion contrary to empirical reality in 2016 and 2020.)

After losing a free, fair, and legal election by a landslide to a women this same figure and his staff ran an astroturf campaign that "FREE AND FAIR ELECTION ARE ILLEGITIMATE AND RIGGED" and "REJECT DEMOCRACY" and "DEMOCRATS ARE WORSE THAN THE GOP." This campaign lasted well into the GOP trifecta it worked deliberately to create and helped lay the narrative groundwork for the January 6th insurrection.

Then there is the baseless and nihilistic assertation that uncompensated seizure of property and governing via fiat is somehow "middle of the road" and that the "socialist" advocates for marginal policy interventions with respect to public provision concerns is somehow not part of the mainstream Democratic platform. And your assertion that Sanders tells me you don't talk with people outside your echochamber. Sanders is a radical in Europe and Europe is really a lot more conservative (and socially backwards) that what many Americans think.

So all in all, ya you are making my point for me. You are engaging in the same behavior and rhetoric used to normalize radical anti-democratic behavior by the Trump.

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