For Profit

Not the same thing. But I went NTT engineering at an R2 over TT. Best decision I've ever made.

0% research requirements, but I still do research, so extra pay.

I teach summer, so extra pay.

Full benefits of TT, but can't serve on most committees, so less service work.

The only downside is I have to teach one extra class a semester rather than TT, lol. Okay...

Just to remind you, it's 2023, NTT doesn't mean not a permanent position these days, although you wouldn't know it from everyone on this subreddit.

Last time I said I was a dept chair and NTT, I got down voted 30 times because that's not believable. lol.

The other time, I said I'm a dept chair and NTT the OP said oh I meant only permanent faculty.... as if I'm not permanent. Or that just because your TT doesn't mean you can't get fired or let go, lol.

Some people's perceptions never change.

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