Do your colleagues get perks that you don't?

It will never be "Fair" and you will go insane thinking that way.

That being said, I feel the same way on my campus. We had an attempt to get our humanities people to publish more, so they gave them all a course release. It ABSOLUTELY did not result in more research, and since our humanities majors are dying it resulted in people with no serious research expectation teaching 2-3 loads with less than 10 students in all their 200,300, and 400 level classes. I teach more sections with over twice the class size.

That's why I am rooting for them to cut humanities departments at my school. Humanities is valuable, but that doesn't preclude the existence of dead weight departments that suck. Our tuition is $75,000, the average post graduation salary of our anthropology majors was $17,000 a year.

/r/Professors Thread