LSV's set review is now up on CFB... behind their shiny new paywall.

Hey Luis,

Despite the snarky title for this submission, written as a knee-jerk reaction that I wish I could take back, I'm not 100% negative on this move and have even offered some incredibly lukewarm (basically body temperature) defense for this. I get the business reasons why you view this as a necessity.

That said, there's something that's been nagging at me and I've just figured out what it is. New players.

While a lot of CFB content is aimed more at enfranchised player - new players being less likely to care about legacy/modern/pioneer and arguably have more important things to learn before diving deep into deck guides - the limited set review is one of the most recommended resources for brand new players.

I understand the logic of putting the reviews behind the paywall. It's some of your most viewed content so it acts as a strong incentive to join. However, those new players I mentioned are the least likely to subscribe, and they're the ones that will be hurt the most by this.

I also understand that the COVID-19 situation is likely causing - or at least exacerbating - the financial issues that led to this move. However, this situation is probably making the lack of a set review more painful for new players because they're not going out to an LGS, they're not sitting down with their friends who can guide them or even build for them, like my friend did with my first prerelease pool, but instead are left largely on their own.

I don't really have a dog in this fight. I've been at this long enough that I don't need the reviews to help me out. For the last few sets I've only skimmed over your reviews and listened to the LR C/UC reviews on 2x speed without listening to the R/M review at all. I shouldn't have a strong opinion on the paywall because I'm not really your market anymore. I just think it's really shitty that you dropped the news that this resource was being taken away suddenly, and halfway through release week, and leaving the new players to hang.

Anyway, that's my two cents. If you've made it this far, thanks for your time, and good luck with the new model. I hope it's worth it.

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