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Description book Residence on Earth by Pablo Neruda:

Residence on Earth (Spanish: Residencia En La Tierra) is book of poetry by Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. Residence on Earth came out in three volumes, in 1933, 1935, and 1947. Neruda wrote the book ov...


FULL BOOK Residence on Earth by Pablo Neruda

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qv35myje0y9ub8m7toy Ricardo Reyes Basoalto was born in Parral, a small town in central Chile. His father, don José del Carmen Reyes Morales, was a poor railway worker and his mother, Rosa Basoalto de Reyes, was a schoolteacher, who died of tuberculosis when Neruda was an infant. Don José Carmen moved with his sons in 1906 to Temuco, and married Trinidad Candia Marvedre. Neruda started to write poetry when he was ten years old. At the age of 12 he met the Chilean poet Gabriela Mistral, who encouraged his literary efforts. one drop in the flow of a vast slow river. Unclothed, you are true, like one of your hands lissome, terrestrial, slight, complete, translucent with curves of moon, and paths of apple-wood: 100 Love Sonnets (1986) ëThe heavy rain of the south falls over Isla Negraí59 In 1942 Neruda visited Cuba and read for the first time his poem, Canto de amor para Stalingrado, which praised the Red Army fighting in Stalingrad. Named Chilean Consul to Mexico in 1939, Neruda left Chile again for four years. where death is waiting, dressed like an admiral. Pablo Neruda was the pen name and, later, legal name of the Chilean writer and politician Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto. Neruda assumed his pen name as a teenager, partly because it was in vogue, partly to hide his poetry from his father, a rigid man who wanted his son to have a practical occupation. Neruda s pen name was derived from Czech writer and poet Jan Neruda; Pablo is thought to be from Paul Verlaine. His father, don José del Carmen Reyes Morales, was a poor railway worker and his mother, Rosa Basoalto de Reyes, was a schoolteacher, who died of tuberculosis when Neruda was an infant. After the victory of the anti-Videla forces and the order to arrest leftist was rescinded, Neruda returned to Chile. Contributor of poems and articles to periodicals, including Selva austral, Poetry, Nation, Commonweal, Canadian Forum, and California Quarterly. and the collection certainly presents a remarkable array of subjects and styles.” Reflecting on the life and work of Neruda in the New Yorker, Mark Strand commented, “There is something about Neruda—about the way he glorifies experience, about the spontaneity and directness of his passion—that sets him apart from other poets.


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