So how active is this?

Ya, that sit-rep sucks. I experienced, not exactly, somewhat similiar a few years back. Most difficult for me was accepting that it was all gone...not just the relationship but also the older concepts of pairbonding, friendship, partnership, skills balancing, and love... it is all gone now. Realize you did good/right in your efforts to build a loving house and tried to live by societies contract. But also know that women have now wiped their asses with that contract. Women threw it all away in their desire for greed and power as they followed fantasies of becoming princesses or a boss bitches. That is the reality we live in now. Que up Napoleon's tactical concept quote...

  1. Grasp/accept the situation. 2. Understand it. 3. Exploit it to your advantage.-Napoleon.

Do to my schooling field I went ahead and spent a few years researching and figuring out what had changed in relationships after my boat sank. Was it a waste of time researching mgt0w/redpill understanding? Most men prefer to chew over issues, school up on them..and make their own decisions. I am that way also and the time I put in getting the current relationship situation squared away was a good investment. Now, if you accept it and understand you exploit the situation you find yourself in will be up to you. If you dig in and bring yourself up to speed on how things are I'd encourage you to use the findings to invest in yourself not into some split-tail find and grind formula. It will be tempting, oh so tempting, when you find how easy it is to bed these modern 'empowered' women using the tech and psy games of today, but remember these aren't women worth anything....they are used up trash, and you step over trash in the gutter. And remember the game has changed now...any woman can have you stretched over the maw of a legal cannon and then, with a smile, light the fuse at any time....all on a whim.

The power and choices you have are going to be overwhelming...I mean tsunami level in your head. It is amazing when you get through the breakwaters of all the normal societal expectations....if you can get out onto open will be amazed. You'll also find yourself angry at first...angry at realizing how badly the pre-scripts society offered you on what is happiness and what it means to be 'a real man'...are/were now outdated lies. The contracts served well when everyone followed their end of the they are useless. Rig your ship for free-lance action.

Invest in yourself, you are a good investment. Many artists didn't do their best work until later in their life, about your age in fact...remember that...there is massive value in leveraging your life experiences (good & bad) for success. Again, the choices will gobsmack ya. You just have to make some choices and reduce your options, very counter-intuitive...but given the vast sea before you that is the way. By choosing different course you will by necessity eliminate some opportunities but YOU will be the one choosing your ports of call. Easy with some backbone. You have to get used to being your own captain and with that role being able to handle the responsibilities for choosing your own course. It isn't being selfish, it is about being enterprising and surviving. That can be nerve racking at first because it is all on you...all the choices, the work, the glory, the failures. Still I'll take the freedom of the open seas over the drudgery of a loveless land-locked script of responsibility anyday.

Read through the lyrics to the penzance Pirate King song, take some time...consider your options and set sail under your own flag.

p.s. They usually come back after a time...sometimes weeks, sometimes matter what happens though, never ever let proven feckless woman back on your will be tougher than tough.

On more than one occasion I've had to pull an Odysseus level stunt to avoid being dragged to my whatever you need to and avoid their call. Best of success to you.

/r/Tribe_Of_Men Thread