The difference between r/fallout and r/fo76 is astonishing

I didn't do that. And that doesn't even make sense? Because you mentioned it, I just checked and the only twitter account sharing your name is suspended, so there's no way to pull a name from twitter. And even if there were, how would you know the real name of someone who isn't you through their suspended account?

Maybe you just talk too much Kyle, and maybe I know how to search through reddit comments better than you do. Maybe you should talk less.

Given the way you act on here, I wouldn't be surprised if that person on twitter was actually you. After all just searching your username with the word 'deserves' pulls up multiple posts of you talking about people deserving to have their testicles removed or deserving to be beaten to death with a flag pole.

Maybe you should stop being so nasty to random strangers online Kyle.

/r/fo76 Thread Parent