How can I use the concept of No More Zero Days?

If I understand you correctly, you have several goals, but working on one of them means you're neglecting the other. Which is true, but how could it be otherwise? Your time is a finite thing. And once you have "spent" that time, it's gone forever. As others have said, maybe you just need to get organized and write your goals on a piece of paper and prioritize them. In my case, once I know what I want to do and the priority, it's easy to organize the time. I like using a spreadsheet to plan my time. But this just helps me to see what I can do in one day. It's not a set of absolutes. But I know that if I plan to do X at 7 PM and I decide to do Y instead, then I know that I can either reschedule X or just not do it. All of which is ok. I do have a few things that are non-optional. I ride my bike everyday, no matter what. This task is non-optional. I'm past 460 consecutive days of cycling. I didn't miss one day. This was something that was and is important to me, therefore I never ask myself the question "Will I ride today?" That question doesn't exist as I've already decided that I will ride everyday. I know that I want to spend some time learning something most days or spending time with the people who are important in my life. Other than that, I know that I'll go to work every day, I'll sleep every day, eat every day and so on. Planning it makes it easy to see and to understand what is realistic. Sometimes I do comprise. On the weekends, I give up sleep time so I'll have more time to be with others. Other times, things come up, stuff happens and plans change. I'm good with all that. Always remember that you are driven by the goals you set. A schedule just helps you to plan how you'll achieve those goals. I hope this is helpful to you and others.

/r/NonZeroDay Thread