If you eat when you're not hungry, you're distracting yourself from thoughts and emotions you don't want to aknowledge.

Most of those are me. Thankfully I'm not too into drinking alcohol or doing online shopping (way too frugal for that), but oftentimes I feel like boredom is the root of most of my problems. I've got projects galore, but most of the time I find myself thinking about them briefly and then getting suddenly unmotivated at the prospect of continuing them. Why? Because that requires sustained mental effort, and I just end up stressing myself out. Not like...emotional stress, but a sort of mental franticness, I suppose. I get bogged down by details way too easily.

Part of me wonders if it's ADHD, but another part of me knows that obsessive smartphone usage for the past several years hasn't helped either.

/r/NonZeroDay Thread Parent