How I imagine Congress on the issue of Gun Control

lol Florida made it illegal for doctors to ask about having guns in your house.

There is no regulation that hardcore gun folks will ever support. They heavily opposed any background check system when one was being debated. They've opposed any expansion of background checks to private sales. They talk about trying to eliminate the restrictions on the sale of fully automatic weapons. They despise the ATF in general, and abhor the idea of the CDC doing research on gun violence.

I used to have this debate often on Reddit. It's pointless. I haven't made a single comment before this one about gun control with regards to the most recent mass shooting. I learned hundreds of times more information about guns, gun laws in America, gun laws abroad, crime statistics at home and abroad, the many controversies regarding different research papers on the prevalence of crimes where a gun is used and defensive gun uses, the history of the right to bear arms in the US, SCOTUS cases involving the second amendement, the genesis of the right to bear arms in English Common Law, than I'm ever in my entire life going to need to know.

The only thing I've taken from this massive waste of my time is that for all the talk of people wanting to ban and confiscate all weapons, there are far, far more fanatics that oppose any type of firearm regulation. The oppose the NFA, they oppose the GCA, they oppose FOPA, they oppose the Brady Bill.

They expect you to have the level of knowledge a master gunsmith has, and if you use a single term they don't like they will instantly discount your entire opinion or any opinion you have in the future.

There's a fanaticism behind a chunk of the pro-gun crowd that will never break, and it's pointless to discuss gun control of any kind whatsoever with them. Trust me, it will make literally no difference whatsoever.

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