How long do thc withdrawls typically last

The no appetite is pretty common and I guess it is what it is. Try to find easy foods that take no effort but just bring pleasure. Sucking down fruit, some pudding or other stuff you give to a sick person you want to keep their strength up. This could help regain a bit of hunger to want to eat again.

As for the other stuff, could it be a form of (light) anxiety/panic attacks? I don't know why you had to quit, but having to can be stressful. The reason why (a job/relationship/whatever) then the stress of breaking a habit, having no weed to force the happy chemicals in the brain so no 'wind down' like you're used to at certain points. So you keep the stress from the day with you. If this all stacks on top of each other you could have a form of anxiety/panic you aren't fully realising. Or that the symptoms you acknowledge are heavier than you think.

I'm not saying one way or the other but roll it around in your head a bit.

I can't say how long this will last for you. I guess for everyone these things are wildly different. All I can tell you is take it easy, take good care to drink enough to flush out the stuff your body wants gone faster, eat stuff your body can use and feel better. And most of all rest. If you feel like just taking a nap, do that. Your brain needs some time for this.

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