I save a couple grams of each strain I get throughout the year.

I don't remember the last ti.e I ran out but I do remember the feeling. I've said this a few times but I highly recommend getting a dry herb vape. You use less bud to get just as high and you save the bud after it's vaped because vaping it decades it so you can use it to make edibles. There are a couple subs dedicated to dry herb vapes that can give you entry level vapes or you can just go all out and get the expensive ones out the gate. It's an investment but over time it will save you money since you wont need as much weed to get you baked. I have a mighty and a hybrid volcano and the volcano gets me wrecked and uses less than a gram at a time. I would definitely wait and get it on a sale cause you can save a couple hundred dollars and get some accessories thrown in, like I got a wear and tear set, travel bag and water bubbler attachment for mine for less than $500. The mighty I got on the same kind of sale and paid $225 with bubbler, dosing caps, extra cooling unit, wear and tear kit and bong attachment.

/r/trees Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com