Urgh. I’ve been guilted into wasting my vacation days and my money to go to go places I wound never pick for the past two years. Next year they’re wrapping it into a wedding. We’re left completely out of the planning and expected to pay. The only reason I agree is for my daughter to play with the other kids. The kids excluded her last year so I no longer feel obligated. These people want to rent a place to sit around and do nothing! Do nothing and not watch their annoying children. Ask my kid to watch their kid. They do nothing for the kids and they get bored; real pretend-to-be-family-people people. The locations suck. Last year we went on outings and some did our plans the following day - twice! One of them will actually posted pictures that I took. They’re boring AF. I’d rather go to work or deep clean my house than sit around and stare at these adult children stare back at me.
Fortunately they showed their asses (unrelated to this) and I have my husband finally on the same page. We may be tied to them for a small portion this year’s trip due to it being planned around a wedding. I’m nearly free from this BS. My husband still hasn’t told them yet so this will be a treat during the holidays… Anyway, best of luck OP.