How popular is lukashenko within Belarus?

I dropped out of college and you do know that material conditions are vastly vastly different in a settler colony of the most powerful empire In the history of the world and a European backwater turned communist superpower back to European backwater.

All you did was ramble against a strawman of college marxist which I’m not. I’m a populist socialist, I just want a state that interferes in the economy as necessary and keeps the elites in check. I can talk about poor capitalist countries like the fucking drc which is next door and is complete anarchy vs the strong system here that has been among the top developing countries in the world for the past 10 years along with being extremely safe.

The funniest thing is that the standard of living was probably better in the eastern bloc during communism before oligarchs from the mafia and decaying decadent communist party canibalized all state institutions

/r/belarus Thread Parent