How to protect against rising housing costs without buying a house

I buy property in good years, and I buy property in bad years. But every year, I buy property. The geniuses here think they can time the market better than people who buy property for a living. Or think that they can predict the future of the market in some city. But that's just like the person with the Corolla talking shit about how Bentleys are shit, or "they'd never buy Porsche". Talk shit from the sidelines.

My personal opinion is that property is not undervalued. The crash has already happened, but it's a crash of the Euro (and the dolla), not property values. It's the euro that is inflating. They're giving out Euros like nobodies business. Property prices are just showing us the true value of the euro now that it's been debased so much. I am a 1-man business and a few weeks back I got a call from a professional service I use, telling me he could get me a no hassle sweet half mill covid loan (unsecured) to invest in property. Euros are nearly free right now. No wonder real shit like houses are inflating in euro terms. Large companies have access to <1% debt. That's the cheapest debt available in the last 5000 years. No shit real property is increasing in price.

/r/irishpersonalfinance Thread