Double standards

“Never let schooling interfere with your education”

A lot of boomers place a lot of value in a college education, and will make you feel like garbage for not having one. I don’t understand this though, because even a lot of successful boomers aren’t college-educated.

That being said (and here comes my liberal bias) - I dropped out of college a couple of different times, once at a university and once at a community college, and I have a good paying job that makes me super happy and I feel like I’m making a difference in the world. I also really like social programs and the idea of paying more taxes if it helps others succeed. Like for example, if there were subsidized trade programs that were funded locally or at the state level to help accelerate a learning path on how to be a solar or wind technician, I’d gladly pay more taxes for that. Someone gets a free trade skill, they can help that industry accelerate, and they get a good paying job out of it too. I have such a hard time understanding why boomers have a “I’ll get mine, and you need to worry about getting yours” attitude. Sure, they’ll mow their neighbor’s lawn if he’s away on a trip, but if it came to their medical expenses or their education, their neighbor better be strong and independent.

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