this is how text looks to me it slowly flactuates in color also

I got covid in late september. It presented as a lot of sinus pain and blurry vision.

I have no medical insurance so I never went to the doctor (home test).

All I can say is that it is gradually getting better and my vision is almost fully restored. Most days my vision is back to 20/20, other days it's a little blurry or streaky (like in your graphic).

I'm vaxxed and boosted (bivalent too). I think I got covid because I stopped wearing a mask in the late summer (Stupid I know but I was so fucking tired of wearing a mask I gave in). Lesson learned and I'm back to wearing a mask when I go to work or out in public. Probably forever at this point.

The process below seemed to help. I did this for one week at the end of november and this seemed to help a lot. Of course, maybe the symptoms were just running their course as well so it might be a coincidence. It did seem as though my vision would be better after the nasal rinse. Here is the process (keep in mind I am not a doctor and I have no medical training):

  • Nasal rinse when I wake up in the morning.
  • Take one Sudafed PE tablet before going to work.
  • Wear mask whenever leaving house.
  • When I get home do another nasal rinse.
  • 30 minutes of cold compress on eyes before bed. (I bought 3 fabric eye masks that you stick in the freezer. Take one out, put on face for 10 minutes, then switch out for the next one until you've done 30 minutes. Listen to a tv show, movie, music, audiobook, or podcast to pass the time.)
  • Benedryl before bed (two 25 mg pills)
  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep.

I started this on a monday and did this through friday. So 5 days and my symptoms improved greatly. You're not supposed to take sudafed or benedryl long term which is why I only did this for 5 days.

Since then, all I do now is mask whenever I leave the house and do a nasal rinse every other day or as needed (like if I go to a crowed store I'll rinse when I get home).

If you don't want to do a nettipot, Vicks Sinex or Arm-and-Hammer Nasal Rinse work well though they are expensive. Arm and Hammer seemed to deliver better results. Arm and Hammer extra strength and extra strength with eucalyptus is a bit too intense for me. I just buy the regular version.

Other general tips:

Computer glasses can help as well whenever you're using a computer/phone/tablet for long periods of time.

Eye yoga seemed to help.

Lots of videos on youtube: Yoga eye exercises - YouTube

Good luck and I hope your vision returns to normal soon.

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