How would your workflow break by switching to macOS?

Up until my current position I was purely windows / Linux. When I got my current position, they sent me a M1 Mac as MacOS is standard across the company.

Full disclosure: I am as anti-apple as they come.

Regarding workflow transition was pretty seamless. Whack homebrew on that monumental POS and you have a package manager. What you can get your grubby little mits on in Linux/windows you can generally get on MacOS. I think I have only come across one or two apps I can't get, and they're no big deal.

I've thing I have found is docker is the biggest pain in the arse, and on the M1 specifically that seems company wide. Running virtual machines is a bit of a pain as well (udm is OK but it leaves a lot to be desired)

/r/linuxquestions Thread