Daily Chat Thread - June 17, 2022

I switched my major to CS recently so I'm a bit behind, I just finished my sophomore year and haven't done any internships yet.

I did my first semester of college at a community college, then transferred to my current 4-year institution. I don't plan to list the CC on my resume, but for my current college, the start year would be 2021 instead of 2020 (which is the year I actually started college, just not this particular institution).

This would misrepresent me as a rising sophomore right now, but in reality I'm a rising junior. This would be beneficial to my internship application process since there are more options for sophomores than there are for juniors.

My main question: is there anything wrong with this? I am not lying on my resume at all, but my correct start year of 2021 (which was Spring 2021 - but people will assume Fall 2021) will make recruiters believe that I'm a sophomore instead of a junior.

/r/cscareerquestions Thread