How do you make your coffee?(non bulletproof)

Have you tried buying your coffee from an artisan roaster? They tend to be much more strict with their bean quality and use a light medium roast to maximise taste. Well worth the extra money- I hated coffee until someone introduced me and I've gone from a 3 sugar (to hide the bitter ickiness) to a black drinker!

This morning my cold brew is chocolatey with a hint of caramel and nuts. So good!

I had one in the shops last week that was sour cherry, jasmin tea and a hint of chocolate- discovering new notes I like all the time.

I cold brew in the summer and use a V60 in the winter. Coffee brewing can be CRAZY precise and nerdy but artisan/ 3rd wave beans and pretty basic brewing changes already makes it a completely different drink.

/r/ketorecipes Thread