I think I found the new meta.... (Air RB)

Ohhh boyyy you sure got meee! That isn't my first game account or (air combat game for that matter) and just happened to be revisiting the Helldiver this week when OP posted this. It's like a lot of other planes in this game so there's nothing mind-bending to wrap your head around either.

Other than the attack and school-yard insults, I didn't see a cohesive point. So what are you trying to say that actually has to do with the topic and discussion? Don't use air-starts to hunt bombers like OP is complaining about? Alt superiority isn't king in RB Air? Did you witness a different history with RB Air US fighter alt superiority? Have a different way to fly slower turn-fighters? Totally ignore the Helldiver's strengths like its alt, maneuverability and dive flaps? Do you seriously think there's only one way to fly a plane in this game and that way is "fact"? LOL!

/r/Warthunder Thread Parent