Ideas on countering anti-union propaganda

These are typical anti-union feelings. The thing is you need to actually listen to workers and find out what changes they'd like to see made at work and tell them how forming a union can improve those issues. You can "overcome objections" to a union by actually answering their comments logically and not with "union propaganda". Dues - you don't pay dues until you vote to accept your negotiated contract - would you vote for something that wasn't worth the dues you'd be paying. Lazy workers - Are there lazy workers working here now? Well that's management's fault they seem to be protecting lazy workers. If you fuck up at work you can still get fired but the union will make sure the proper process is followed. These are all typical organizer responses - simply google "inoculation" and you'll find stuff on how to respond. The thing to remember is you have to help people walk through the critical thinking process of forming a union and believe they have power to change things and their lives will be better by forming a union. This isn't easy and takes multiple, and sometimes frustrating, one on one conversations.

/r/IWW Thread