Should we start a petition?

That's a safe alternative, but we can wait for years for the next season. So, even if something doesn't work out, we don't mind waiting about the next thing, as long as they please their fans by keeping the bar high. Now, you say that the people who don't enjoy it should stop watching. What if, there are so many people that don't want to watch what has become that it loses most of the audience and gets cancelled? That would be a shame because we could change something for the best and we didn't do it. See, for example, r/BetterCallSaul, for the past 5 years they keep the bar high and they manage to please the fans, besides not getting that much view as Rick and Morty does. Now, I don't want to generalize, I'm not saying is "this" or "that". WARNING about Better Call Saul!: Don't view the subreddit, because you are going to get spoilers!

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