unwanted pregnancy is ruining my life

Thank you! I truly appreciate you and all your kind words. Unfortunately, she is the one who gave me PTSD lol and she is a pretty crappy person right now but I pray that will change one day but at this point I’m just glad she’s out of my life. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad I did it and would do it again but please don’t ever ask me too bc I don’t know if I really could. I took her in, stable and loving home, strict but fair. Gave her everything I never had but I’m “not her real mom” (ouch) but she knows my love is unconditional and they treat you like crap when they know that. So don’t feel bad if you wouldn’t do it. It’s completely understandable. Im a newlywed and ppl suggest us adopting… F No. I served my time lol

/r/offmychest Thread Parent