If you believe Avery to be innocent, what do you make of earl's statements to police about Avery asking Brendan to dispose of tire wires and rims from the bonfire? Pg 237 of CASO report.

You all think you're so clever don't you? I've been very patient but apparently I'm hitting some nerves. I get it. You don't want any fence sitters to hear a reasoned argument. This is a CULT. Truther Logic need only post on our Sub. I'm seriously embarrassed for you all. I imagine you typing with your little tin foil hats in. Your tactical warfare is a FAIL. I don't respect any of you anymore. I do feel superior. I can't help it. Y'all are dumb as fuck.

(Day 6, p.110-12).

Q. All right. This fifth barrel that you examined was on the morning of Tuesday, November 8, correct?

A. Correct.

Q. And the photograph, I think is still in front of you, that you discussed before, that's the -- that's a photograph you took before searching it?

A. No, we didn't take that photograph.

Q. Who took that photograph; do you know?

A. I don't know.

Q. Did you take photographs of it before you started searching?

A. No.

Q. Why not?

A. Because it had been removed from where it had been, transported, and then our goal was to sift it and recover what -- (Court reporter couldn't hear.)

A. Our goal there was to sift the contents. Any documentation of the barrels at the scene, that's -- that was done by somebody else.

Q. It may or may not be the way it looked, you don't know?

A. No, I don't know. I was presented this this morning and asked if that looked like the fifth barrel, and it does to me.

Q. All right. But in terms of it -- it's -- what it looked like out there on the scene; have you seen -- have you ever seen a photograph that shows that?

A. He showed me several photographs, one of them was further away and it had the wheel that was in the barrel when I saw it, because this photograph doesn't have the wheel in it.

Q. Right.

A. So I asked about the wheel. He said, oh, yeah, there's another photograph that shows the wheel. They took the wheel, out looked inside.

Q. And that photograph shows the wheel on the ground, next to it, right?

A. Right.

Q. All right. So you were never brought to the scene of wherever that burn barrel was, yourself?

A. No.

Q. So, you never actually saw it, you know, in situ, so to speak, wherever it was located, and that's why you didn't take photographs of it?

A. Well, they -- I recall that there was a burn barrel on the driveway and that's where I was told this one had been.

Q. But you didn't go up and examine it?

A. No, did not examine it.

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