If you had to shoot one brand for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

I would also have to say Planet Eclipse. Between the smart parts markers old school and recent (2002-current), kingman/spyder (2000-2002), different auto cockers (2002-2005), and then the planet eclipse (2008-current), I can say I have had no real problems with the planet eclipse markers, pieces and parts. Eblade stuff worked, upgrade parts back in the day worked, current markers just work.

The only thing I wish PE would change is the detents. They work and I don’t have problems really, but I have changed detents out over the years over many different markers. I think they could engineer something different or more “elegant” like the shocker amp detents. But honestly they work and the simplicity drives the bomb proofness of the markers. So…. That’s just nit picking.

/r/paintball Thread