First Strike Rounds banned from CPX Living Legends

From one of the FB group posts. The insurance broker's response to the backlash.

Ok gentlemen some of you get it and some of you don't. for the record and for clarity this was the first mention of first strike rounds being used at the event and I responded immediately to Viper and to the owners of CPX. secondly we have never been able to get first strike rounds insured with any of the carriers we have used for standard paintball fields. average paintball fields will pay 1200 to 2000 dollars per year with no claims. larger fields will pay more. one company quoted D Day to use these rounds and the quote was over $100,000. no most promoters do not want to pay that price to secure insurance for their event. my job is an insurance broker to represent my customers and go find insurance. then the customer or prospect gets to choose if they want to purchase the insurance or not based on the price and coverages and whatever other situations they are dealing with. we have not been able to ensure first strike since they came out due to them not qualifying under the current ASTM standard for paintballs. until they step up and make the change we can't do anything. the first strike rounds are made out of a different material than paintballs which potentially could cause more damage to and I then a paintball. not for you intelligent people they decided to go to my facebook page and trash me without knowing the truth or the facts it's a little disgusting. many of you have posted that your current field where you live does not allow them so you want to bring them to CPX. so tell me why it's wrong for your field not to allow them? There are three insurance companies left providing paintball progam insurance for paintball. The rest have pulled out due to claims. one of the three carriers increase their rates 45% last month across the board due to claims. I was at living legends blast here and never heard or saw anyone with first strike rounds or I would have mentioned it to them last year. So please do not beat up CPX or Viper or try to boycott something that is not in our control. posting crap negative against my company is not going to change anything other than maybe make me not want to work with you people that post negative comments. I will be at the event next week and if you have an issue that you'd like to come talk to me about I will be available. or if you want to call me other than bitch and complain and kick and cry about possible solutions feel free to email me or call me at the office but it would suggest as some others have posted did you go to first strike and have them get there first strike round to be approved by an ASTM standard and pay to have it tested against goggles and with the ophthalmologists to prove that there around does no more damage than a paintball.

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