Ignore the sweatshops and predatory business practices. We made a commercial with a confident ugly chick. Applaud us!

beyond the hideous PCOStache

Especially because it's rather easy to prevent that as a woman (Laser, etc). I never saw one IRL on a woman other then my over 60 history teacher who would stand 2 hours in front of the class and talk about imperial germany, non stop.

The teeths are like most teenagers - just get braces. Most teens had them in some variety.

What is the message supposed to be?

Draw attention and then complain about getting bullied? Be a ''cool cat''? I'm special?

Reminds me of that deparment of energy dude they arrested for stealing suitcases at airports. Purposly offend people. That's narcissism.

It is like those ''ugly person'' TikTok Videos made by attractive Gen Z influencers. I guess it shows you the mindset of some of those Amazon people. I get the impression they make that stuff and laugh about it when they are done.

/r/TimDillonCirclejerk Thread Parent Link - youtu.be