Peaceful trans activism in action

My main question for people that protest like this is, How do you think it's going to work out for? What does the end game and your idea of civilization look like?

A great example of another movement involving cultural dilemmas is the Gay Rights Movement. Nowadays the vast majority of America does not care if you're Gay. This movement was also attacked in the 2000's and after many years Gay people (after Centuries) were finally given their rights. Even Religious Conservatives, while still disagreeing with them; accept that they have a right to live their lives, free from prosecution, in whatever manor they see fit. That Liberty is just as important to Christians as it applies the same to Gay Americans. This took many many years, even amgonst Democrats it was not a widely held opinion till the mid 2010's.

Now the Trans issue has come up, which is odd because I thought Caitlyn settled a lot of this debate. But what's so weird to me about this movement is that it isn't a appeal to justice or Liberty, it comes from a place of Authoritarianism or even Fascism. It's do what I say and do I want OR ELSE!!! The message has been very clear on this, which does nothing but make people defensive. Even if they were on your side then it makes them scared and retreat into a silent corner where they silently vote against you, because they are simply afraid. This is a very new idea for many Americans, and using force or violence will do nothing but hurt the cause. It will in fact do the opposite, we were on a great path with Trans rights, the Supreme Court in 2020 gave their movement the same rights as other minorities under the Civil Rights Act. But now all of a sudden we have hit some kind of impasse, the irony being that even I don't know what that Impasse is!?!?

/r/TimDillonCirclejerk Thread Link -