I'm Done.

It's not impossible at all. Vanillo is just the latest in a string of YouTube alternatives that have existed over the last little while. Vidme was the big name for a while. Not as many people used it, either.

I feel that other video sharing platforms might need to step up their game or something.

I mean, this is where I think people expect magic.

How exactly do you want them to step up their game?

Technical stuff? As I understand it, technically speaking, Vanillo is pretty strong.

Content? Well. People need to raise awareness of it via word of mouth so it becomes a bigger site, drawing in more content creators.

Marketing? That takes money. I don't imagine a handful of guys operating out of a basement can afford some aggressive media advertising campaign to cause a mass migration to their site. Word of Mouth is how you build in the early phase.

Having become a habitual behavior in the cultural zeitgeist to the point at which it becomes media-cocaine, so that you just have this cognitively programed impression that it's a good site? I'd rather they not do that.

They've got the baseline site there. Definitely some room for improvement in terms of it's layout, but if something that frivilous holds people back from migrating to a new platform, they don't really want a new YouTube.

That's what I mean by magic. It's like people expect that a new up and coming content platform is just going to magically become YouTube in the bat of an eyelash, complete with it's backlog of content and list of creators.

Everybody wants a new platform, nobody wants to dedicate the time and energy into building up a new platform.

Once the technical baseline is there (And I'd argue it more or less is for Vanillo. If this is their Beta phase, they're doing a damned good job) it's up to the user.

The alternatives don't need to step up shit. The creators and users who keep talking about how badly we need a new YouTube just need to use the alternatives.

Or we could all just sit around forever waiting for YouTube to unfuck itself. It's all the same to me.

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